Dawg Health

Coronavirus Blues

Coronavirus Blues is now available as a song and music video. Musical arrangement by a work colleague, George Allaman, who did a great job! Click the image above to view on youTube.

Original Lyrics

By Michael Settles


Stuck in my home with nowhere to go,
Mesmerized by the news and feeling a bit low.

The restaurants are closed, just one of my gripes,
And the hoarders arrived to take all the butt wipes.

So, I order some food for delivery, you see,
Don’t dare open the door when they bring it to me.

I’ve cancelled four trips out of fear for my life,
Avoiding my family cuts deep like a knife.

Social distancing is crucial, even with those you adore,
So I give folks six feet, plus another ten more.

I’ve washed my cracked hands ten times the last hour,
While counting to twenty, letting soap show its power.

Flattening the curve is not working for me,
My curves just grow worse from staying sedentary.

I wander the house with abundant unrest,
Working from home, with no need to get dressed.

Motivation eludes me to get off of the couch,
I’ll do things tomorrow and for that I will vouch.

Monitoring the maps with growth of the spread,
Hoping and praying they don’t count my poor head.

I am social today, waving to the garbage man,
And endeavoring to click “Like” as much as I can.

Despite the bad news and sustained growing fear,
I am happy at home and grateful I’m still here.

We must hold hope that a treatment be found,
To emerge from our homes, we are no longer bound.

Eventually, the doctors will discover how to quell,
And then COVID-19 can go straight to hell!

8 replies on “Coronavirus Blues”

Mike, never in my born days did I ever think we would see something this horrific. I will be praying for yall and do the same for us please. At times I get sooooo overwhelmed. Stay safe!

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