Dawg Bits

Knoxville Snowmageddon: A Comedy in 8 Inches

Me, a jaded 35-year Colorado veteran, just witnessed Knoxville handle an entire 8 INCH SNOWPOCALYPSE. Buckle up, y’all, because this ain’t your average blizzard. Here’s how it went down:

Garbage Day? More like Garbage Week: Apparently, snow melts trash, so sanitation is on a “tropical siesta” for the next 7 days. Guess I’ll just admire my Mount Trashmore growing out front.

Frozen Pipes: Builders here apparently never heard of that fluffy white stuff called “insulation,” so pipes are freezing faster than Dolly Parton can write a rhinestone ballad.

Streets of Fury: Turns out, plows and sand trucks are rarer than Bigfoot sightings in these parts. Streets are an ice rink, and neighbors are out there valiantly wielding brooms and dustpans like medieval snow warriors.

Shovels? Forget it, those magical beasts are extinct here.

The Great Shut-In of ’24: Forget doctors, hair appointments, or even ordering pizza. Knoxville goes full hibernation mode at the first snowflake.

The Silver Lining: The roads are glorious! Deserted. Pristine. Practically begging me to channel my inner Mario Kart champion. It’s like rush hour in an abandoned parking lot.

While the northerners may scoff at Knoxville’s “snowfall,” let me tell you, it’s one entertaining show. Just grab your broom and dustpan and settle in for the ride.



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